Friends of the Academy include eminent evaluation thinkers, highly experienced evaluators, mid-career practitioners, those working to support the use of evaluation evidence, as well as young, and emerging evaluators.

The Academy will support Friends of the Academy to work together to initiate, design, and implement initiatives that fall within its priorities

Academy activities are volunteer driven. However initiatives can be funded in which case members (excluding Board members) can be funded for at least part of the costs.
The Academy engages in partnerships with evaluation societies and networks, universities, international and national evaluation organisations, research institutes, think-tanks, civil society organizations, philanthropic foundations, and private firms. Partners agree to collaborate and support each other in areas of mutual interest, including evaluation research; evaluation advocacy; evaluation education; training; professionalization; transformational evaluation; and expert evaluation services.
Sponsors of the Academy consist of individual and institutional donors who recognize that evaluation is a public good and a key instrument of democratic governance and corporate social responsibility. They include foundations, international organizations, government agencies, private corporations and individuals who share the vision of a strong and vibrant evaluation community, operating across borders and dedicated to a world where governments, private corporations and civil society organizations are accountable to citizens and learn from experience to achieve a world where peace, justice and respect for nature prevail and where development benefits all.
Sponsors of the Academy
Friends of the Academy
Friends of the Academy form the basis for the Academy’s network. Friends are kept abreast of the Academy’s work and are encouraged to engage as an Evaluation Scientist or Evaluation Scientist Leader or in other ways provide support to the Academy and its endeavors.
The Friend of the Academy is a person who demonstrates the Academy’s values and is involved in evaluation or a related field (e.g. development). Friends are the first step to becoming an Evaluation Scientist or Evaluation Scientist Leader and are critical to building the Academy’s network. Friends are requested to renew their membership yearly to signify continued interest.
IEAC Evaluation Scientist Leader
The Scientist Leader, with the Board’s support, leads an activity that includes an act of transformation and/or activism.
Leads an activism/transformation activity that is approved by the Board and takes responsibility for its implementation and completion. This title is associated with a specific effort and can be maintained after the completion of the activity.
IEAC Evaluation Scientist
The Evaluation Scientist self-organizes to work on an approved project under a Scientific Leader.
Works on an approved activism/transformation project and takes responsibility for actively participating in its implementation. This title is associated with a specific effort and can be maintained after the completion of the activity.