Eval Crisis Initative

What are the key reflections that the wider evaluation community developed when adapting processes and methods to the new conditions created by the outbreak of the first global pandemic ever of the modern era? What did we learn from Evaluation in Crisis? The Evaluation Support Service (ESS) at the EC,...

A Complexity-based Plan for Evaluating Transformation

I’m looking for a critique on any or all parts of a draft of this article. Three constructs from Complexity Science are employed – sensitive dependence, emergence, and social attractors. The paper concludes with an explanation of why if –>then logic is recommended for small-scale change within transformation efforts, but...

A new book on “Evaluation in Contexts of Fragility, Conflict, and Violence”

In July, 2021, the International Development Evaluation Association released a book on “Evaluation in the Contexts of Fragility, Conflict and Violence”, a practical guidance from global evaluation practitioners. The book shows a diverse set of perspectives and experiences on sensitive issues when measuring change in unpredictable, complex, and violent situations.This...